“We thank you for the skill and industry which is so clearly demonstrated in the Banner, which will be displayed for many years to come.”
— James A.T. Collins P.G.Std.Br. Provincial Grand Scribe E.
“The W.Master and Brethren have asked me to write to you on their behalf, and thank you most sincerely for the lovely work you have done. We will display it with pride in the years to come”
— Barry S. Roberts. Secretary Olive Branch Lodge
“I thought you might be interested to know that your banner now has pride of place in our thoughts.”
— D.V Okehampton, Devon
“May I thank you for your time and efforts in restoring my apron.”
— R.B. South Yorkshire
“Thank you so much for the tablecloths and napkins, they will be used with justifiable pride.”
— A.M. Derbyshire
“Just to say thank you for making me such a beautiful banner.”